
Sebastian Sehring
Geiststr. 71
48151 Münster
0151/11222871 (20 cents per minute from a landline with "German Telekom" - Mobile phone costs vary. )

Address diving school:
Dive Point
16 Moo 2 Koh Tao
Koh Tao, Thailand


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Responsible according to § 5 TMG is Sebastian Sehring , see above for contact .


Please contact us in advance (important!) without any obligation!

Did you know ?

Accomodation in one of our basic, clean in-hose rooms is clean and inexpensive! A "Fan Room" is only 400 THB during Open Water, Advanced and Rescue courses!
You also get a free pick up from the pier! Just contact us and tell us when you will arrive :)

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